Saturday, 12 October 2019

Feedback Strategies

The first article I read was "Preschoolers and Praise: What Kinds of Messages Help Kids Grow?" by Deborah Farmer Kris. I found the article to interesting and it's points helpful. The article talks about how young children are stilling trying to figure out self concept, i.e, who they are and what they can and can't do, and how parents can give feedback to help them develop a growth mindset. The first tip was to give kids process praise inside of generic praise, i.e, instead of saying "It looks nice!" when a kid shows the painting they made to instead say "It looks nice! I like how you used light blue for the sky!". The next tip was to teach kids the power of "Yet". So when someone says "I can't do it", you respond with "You can't do it yet!". And the final point was to tell kids story of resilience to help them understand that anything is possible, you just takes time and work. Overall, I find these tips will be helpful when I give feedback to others.

The second article I read was "The Difference Between Praise and Feedback" by MindShift. I also found this article interesting and helpful. The article talks about how parents find it difficult on how to praise their children and it gives two examples of how to do it from two different researchers. The first way comes from Edward Deci and Richard Ryan and it is called process praise. This is where parents give feedback like "That was a clever way to figure it out" or "I really like how you used blue in this picture" to help give kids more confidence instead of giving generic feedback. The second way comes from Alfie Kohn and it is called praise and personhood. This where you don't praise your child for doing work because it makes them feel if they don't do these jobs well then they are not worthy of being loved. The article that says that overall, both methods boil down to praising how kids solve their problems and to ask them questions on how they did it.
(An installation of feedback. Found here.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nathan, firstly I would like to say that the appearance of your blog is really cool. Its got a nice medieval feel to it. Its great that you are finding the articles helpful. You really simplified the information and from your blog I feel I have learned a lot about giving feedback.
    Well done Nathan.
    Look forward to reading more from you
