Saturday 28 September 2019

Technology Tools Impressions

I'm not a technologically inclined person so most of these technology tools are new to me. I've known what blogging is for a while now but I've never made one til this class. So it's something new to me but it seems quite simple and easy to understand and use. I know and have used bookmarking before. I use it all the time when finding websites of interest that I want to visit again in the future. Though I did learn the basics of photoshop in first year, image editing is still new to me. I'm a little nervous about it since I wasn't good with photoshop but hopefully this'll be much easier to understand. I've never done graphics creation before but it looks interesting but also somewhat intimating given that it's new to me. In terms of Padlet, Unity3D and WordPress, those are new to me so I can't really comment too much on them at this time. All in all, a lot of these things are new to me but I feel if I just keep up the with the work and follow the website I can get to grips with all them.

(A laptop to represent the course. Found here.)

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