Sunday, 1 March 2020

Tutorial 4

I struggled a bit with this tutorial but I got through it in the end. At the beginning when I changed the names of the C Sharp scripts and drag them onto the assets it would give me an error message that it wasn't a Monobehavior script. I couldn't fix the issue so I gave up. The next day I tried again and added the titles to the scripts like in the videos but kept the Monobehavior at the end and it fixed the issue. I don't know why that happened given it didn't happen during tutorials two and three but I'm just glad I was able to get it working in the end. After that I found the rest of the tutorial simple and straight forward. I found learning how to code things like the invisible barriers to keep the player in the scene, having the player character shot out pizza with a press of the space button and having the animals spawn in random places very fun and rewarding. Coding without the auto filling like in the videos is still annoying and long but I still find the coding fun. So despite the issue at the beginning I enjoyed this one and am looking forward to the next part.

(Screenshot of my Unity HUD)

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