Saturday, 29 February 2020

Unity Tutorial 03

This weeks tutorial was a bit more tough than last weeks but nothing impossible or head melting. The only problem I had was at step 4, where I had to program the speed control of the car. I followed the video closely but I got an error message about multiple errors. I fixed the problem by redoing the whole code of that part of the tutorial from scratch and soon the problem was fixed. I guess that I forgot a common or symbol like this ; or something. Apart from that little hiccup the rest of the video. The challenge with programming the plane game on the other hand proved very challenging and honestly a bit too much for me. I was about to get it flying forward and slow it down but I struggled with the rest of it and having to catch up with a lot of work I decided to cut my losses and moved on to the next tutorial. I may go back on finish it at a latter date. But over all I felt the tutorial went well and I feel proud of making the car move like how it would move in a game like Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row, ETC.

(My Unity HUD as I work on the plane challenge)

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